Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Wow! I did it!

So, yeah. I am a terrible person and can't stay on top of blogging (to be fair I haven't kept up with housework and floundered at work and in school all semester too). However, today I finished my first semester. With all As.

I am ecstatic!

My lowest score on a test was a 71% in kinesiology. I have begun measures to rectify my difficulty in the subject (hello whiteboards all over my house!).

My lowest paper score (not counting the one that I wrote on a plane and didn't read over before submitting, lesson learned) was an 87%. I will, in the future, double check and triple check all of my APA information, especially regarding citations (my killer of late).

This semester flew by and I am still in a bit of shock that it is over.

Next is Christmas (I might get a post in but, as stated before, I am very bad at that)!

After that, my next semester begins January 14th!

It will be amazing!

Where is Wynonna?

  This is my submission for the #WhereisWynonna challenge. I am not adept at making videos, and I really dislike recordings of my voice, so ...