Thursday, November 28, 2019

I'm Thankful that this semester is almost through

Happy Thanksgiving!

Man it has been a rough semester. I am making it and surviving but it has been HARD this year. The burnout has been real and the uncertainty has been real. And these next 2.5 weeks will be the worst yet. (Also, can you believe that there are only 2.5 weeks left this semester??? It feels like it just started! Where did the time go???)

But that is for another day (specifically tomorrow) because today I am making a real Thanksgiving post.

That's right, this year I am actually excited for the Holiday season! I probably has something to do with the intense burnout, the promise of no more school for a few weeks, and just needing something to look forward to.

I had a lovely day, all things considered. I went to 2 Thanksgiving gatherings, ate great food and spent time with good people. I even played board games (5ish hours of Monopoly anyone??? We literally finished Merry Happy Whatever and 2 or 3 episodes of the Office before it was over.)

It was just nice to forget, even for a few hours, that school was a thing. To talk and eat and joke and just be with other people for a while... Even if the end of Monopoly did turn into an NBCOT and Spanish study session.

Hugs were given and many were had and it was a good night.

Then we went home and decorated for Christmas... in our own way.

We have our Christmas Fan with our Stockings hung with care,

The garland lamp.

The Kitsunes got an upgrade.

And the the bookshelf got a makeover too!

Even the door became just a little festive!

Here's to a happy end of a stressful semester!!

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