Sunday, December 29, 2019

Obviously great at this

As you can probably tell I am obviously great at blogging. I mean, twice a semester, WOW. And I write in such a concise and organized fashion, I never ramble on in incoherent sentences (yes, I am looking at you 2019 New Year's post).

Although, if I am being honest, this is about what I expected when I began this blog. I am notoriously bad at keeping up with these things, especially when stressed (which is just about all the time right now).

To make up for it I am going to try for 3 posts before Classes start back up in a couple weeks: a coherent New Year's post for 2020, a review of the last semester, and my hopes for this coming semester (which will be my last full semester on campus).

Here's to hoping I can get these done before January 12th!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

I survived!!!!!

The semester is over! I learned a lot, both in class and outside of class. I am ready for a break (more than ready, really). Bring on the 3.5 weeks of doing nothing (except work, cleaning, travelling, etc...)!

Yeah. So exciting!

Where is Wynonna?

  This is my submission for the #WhereisWynonna challenge. I am not adept at making videos, and I really dislike recordings of my voice, so ...