Hello, Internet! I still exist (although it has been pretty touch and go so far this semester. This week (in 2.5 days) will mark spring break and I need this! It has been crazy busy lately with classes and I have been struggling a lot to get everything done on time, keep up with my work schedule, and keep a bit of occupational balance in there as well. At varying times these last 7.5 weeks, each of these has gone down the drain.
I have learned that I need to sleep before tests (or else the resulting deprivation migraine will take you out and you won't be able to even read the questions and you will fail spectacularly). Also, I was reminded on the importance to take time to do things that I enjoy as often as possible. Also, to set the burden down instead of holding on to it. Yeah, that was a good day of reminders.
Now for a little update on the things that have been going on (before the big non-school related thing):
I am currently passing everything.
I did not end up making or working on a quilt and gave up. Still a cool idea though.
Group projects are still terrible but we are doing it!
Tonight I make my last edit on my doctoral proposal.
I have started making some great life changes.
Okay, on that last one. I am not known for being active or healthy. I am a couch potato and a recluse and an asthmatic and very awkward. However, I have also been just "blah" lately. I have felt gross and been eating terribly and sleeping worse. I had no appetite and yet just ate junk all the time. I was eating out for half my meals and never enjoyed anything. So I decided to make a change.
I started by cutting off my hair.
Then I moved forward and cut out most snacking after 10pm, not all since I am not perfect and I work until 11, but most. I started buying better ingredients. I started meal planning again.
Most impressively, I started to work out (seriously) for the first time in 3 years. I also started running for the first time in who knows how long (probably since 2014 or longer). I don't work out for long, just 10-15 minutes followed by a short 0.5 miles (of which I run about 2/3 of the time). But is has made a HUGE improvement on my life. I am hungry again and have energy and I sleep. It has been one week today and I feel amazing.
It hasn't changed how I look. I still have the same waistline and the same belly. I still have good thighs. My skin isn't suddenly clearer. I have not lost any weight. But I feel more alive and more capable. My aches and pains are less than they were as I strengthen all the muscles that support my impacted joints.
The only downside is that I am focused a nit more on that physical side of things. I do want to have a flatter belly and to reach my goal weight. I have ALWAYS wanted clearer skin. Working out it bringing these desires to the forefront and making them more of a focus. It is a personal issue that I need to work trough.
All in all, I am just plugging away at this semester, insanely busy and stressed but finding joy where I can (mainly Broadchurch and Doctor Who).
Monday, March 2, 2020
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Distractions and a Project
Alright... so my scheduled posts (the ones I mentioned before about the actual school stuff) are in the works but it is 2:30am and I am not at all tired so I will instead update on a project that I can (hopefully) follow through with. Also, I am still awake at 2:30 in the morning and need something to do so I don't pack up and head out to Walmart...
So, in a sudden burst of inspiration (with several origins that I will probably go into here because it is late and I have no filter), I have decided to take up making 1000 origami cranes. My very own senzaburu. However, because it is me and I (1) never do anything normally and (2) am not the biggest fan of folding paper since it is so fiddly (and yes, I realize that the patience to manage the fiddly paper is part of why it is such a big deal to make 1000 cranes), I have added my own twist to things.
I will be making an origami crane quilt. On this quilt will be 1000 individual 4inX4in squares with an origami crane in the center. they will eventually be sewn together into a full quilt.
Assuming I make it that far.
The reasons for this (since you know I have to go into them) are a little circumvential (not even sure if this is a thing or the right word). It started at the beginning of last semester with our mental health group class where we actually participated in and led group therapy. On our first day we folded an origami paper crane. I then made several more cranes in my spare time while at work and so cranes have off and on been on my mind these last few months (I even made one out of a ticket stub at a movie!).
Then I noticed recently that my quilt has a few rips in it from the cat constantly attacking my feet. Also from the fact that it is 11 years old. I got this quilt from Deseret from a donation during Christmas during a time when we had basically no money and the church gave us each a $75 paper to get "Christmas presents" from the store. Someone had made quilts for the occasion and I "bought" one. I have used now through 6 (or more) houses in 3 different states. It is becoming worn.
I had been playing with the idea of taking up cross stitch so that got fabric and sewing into my mind, making me more prone to looking into starting something of this nature.
Then cranes were mentioned again on an episode of Eureka in season 4 and I decided to quilt one. Then I decided to quilt 4 in a little decoration.
Then today I decided that quilting 1000 was the best idea.
And so here we are. Tomorrow (which means today after I sleep and then wake up and get ready) I will buy my first 3 bits of fabric, some good thread, and a strong pair of scissors. and then I will get started.
So, in a sudden burst of inspiration (with several origins that I will probably go into here because it is late and I have no filter), I have decided to take up making 1000 origami cranes. My very own senzaburu. However, because it is me and I (1) never do anything normally and (2) am not the biggest fan of folding paper since it is so fiddly (and yes, I realize that the patience to manage the fiddly paper is part of why it is such a big deal to make 1000 cranes), I have added my own twist to things.
I will be making an origami crane quilt. On this quilt will be 1000 individual 4inX4in squares with an origami crane in the center. they will eventually be sewn together into a full quilt.
Assuming I make it that far.
The reasons for this (since you know I have to go into them) are a little circumvential (not even sure if this is a thing or the right word). It started at the beginning of last semester with our mental health group class where we actually participated in and led group therapy. On our first day we folded an origami paper crane. I then made several more cranes in my spare time while at work and so cranes have off and on been on my mind these last few months (I even made one out of a ticket stub at a movie!).
Then I noticed recently that my quilt has a few rips in it from the cat constantly attacking my feet. Also from the fact that it is 11 years old. I got this quilt from Deseret from a donation during Christmas during a time when we had basically no money and the church gave us each a $75 paper to get "Christmas presents" from the store. Someone had made quilts for the occasion and I "bought" one. I have used now through 6 (or more) houses in 3 different states. It is becoming worn.
I had been playing with the idea of taking up cross stitch so that got fabric and sewing into my mind, making me more prone to looking into starting something of this nature.
Then cranes were mentioned again on an episode of Eureka in season 4 and I decided to quilt one. Then I decided to quilt 4 in a little decoration.
Then today I decided that quilting 1000 was the best idea.
And so here we are. Tomorrow (which means today after I sleep and then wake up and get ready) I will buy my first 3 bits of fabric, some good thread, and a strong pair of scissors. and then I will get started.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
New Year 2020
It's officially a new year, a new decade. Truly the start of something new and exciting. I am cautiously optimistic about this new year (and decade) and the adventures and opportunities that it will hold. It is going to be a fun one.
For the past several weeks (or months), the internet has been filled with the decade challenge and people's new year resolutions so I thought that I would play along.
Let's start with reviewing the last decade:
At the start of 2010 I was still a freshman in high school, 14.5 years old and I thought I knew where my life was heading. I didn't know that I would be in an OTD program or that I would work as a CNA for 3+ years or that I would end up moving to ID or find 2 more siblings. These things never would ave occurred to me because I was a child and didn't exactly think everything through (and honestly, most of this could not have been predicted.
My college plans were nothing like I predicted either, having planned on going directly to grad school after completing my bachelor's degree. I never anticipated working for 2 years before being accepted into a program. And I certainly never dreamed that this program would be in North Dakota.
I thought then that relationships would come easily and that I knew my beliefs when the reality is much different. Relationships are hard and slightly impossible and my beliefs have changed drastically.
I am the same person and completely different than I was. And 10 years from now I will probably have a similar analysis with a similar conclusion.
And now, reviewing the last year:
Outcomes of my "resolutions":
(1) To not cut or dye my hair --> I did really well with this one (which is funny because it was the one I was sure would fail). It was actually the only resolution that I remembered making. My hair has gotten longer and I have enjoyed it being longer and being able to style it again (braids and plats are fun). I noticed great improvement in my stress management strategies that did not include just chopping my hair off when things got rough.
That being said, I did get my hair trimmed today to get rid of the year long frizzy split ends. However I am going to continue to let it grow and will not be dying it again at this time.
(2) To take opportunities as they come --> Still a work in progress but I think it went passably well. Last year I did manage to take life more in stride, opportunities and failings. I made a conscious effort to accept what came my way and move with it instead of against it. Definitely something to continue to improve though as I continue to make long and complex lists and plans for the future.
(3) To be more accepting of my faults --> I had a really rough few semesters and struggled with a lot of assignments and classes which really gave me the opportunity to practice this skill. I definitely made improvements. However, I do struggle a lot with accepting more superficial and perceived "faults" (body image, dress style, exercise) and so that was an interesting discovery that I was not aware of before.
(4) To make more of an effort to connect with others --> I finally know most of my classmates! I really went out of my way to connect with people this last year and have definitely made improvements in my socialization. At both work and school I became more adept at socializing and connecting with my peers and have noticed an increased feeling of support and community.
This last year was rough and filled with terrifying new experiences (fieldwork, group classes, meeting new family, etc.), stressful schoolwork and classes, and changing visions of the future. It was also amazing because I made it through all of that and am still going strong.
In this coming year, I have every intention to continue the growth that I have begun as I work to be the healthiest and happiest version of myself. As such, I will not be making any resolutions but I will make goals (basically the same thing but with less pressure attached) in order to achieve "optimum health". And there will only be 3 of them because then I might actually remember to do them.
Here they are:
(1) Spend at least 15 minutes of uninterrupted time outside at least three times a week --> This is more than just walking out to a your car and calling it good. This involves taking the time out of your day to walk outside and enjoy the sun (or snow or rain or whatever) and admire the natural (or artificially natural) world. Also might help boost my vitamin D...
(2) Be active, in any way, for at least 15 minutes at least twice a week. --> My goal is health and as such, starting slow is the goal. Often, exercise, for me anyhow, fails because I rush into everything too quickly and then burn out. By setting the goal low and slow I increase my activity without running the risk of burning myself out. (On that note, I might try yoga or some simple activities like that in order to increase overall balance and flexibility).
(3) Take time for myself for at least an hour once a week for a mental health break. --> This goal is concerned directly with maintaining a healthy balance in my life. By setting aside a time every week that is solely for me, I will be able to take a brain break from all the stress and worry of the semester and my responsibilities in order to center myself and re-focus.
Let's hope it goes well.
Happy New Year!
For the past several weeks (or months), the internet has been filled with the decade challenge and people's new year resolutions so I thought that I would play along.
Let's start with reviewing the last decade:
At the start of 2010 I was still a freshman in high school, 14.5 years old and I thought I knew where my life was heading. I didn't know that I would be in an OTD program or that I would work as a CNA for 3+ years or that I would end up moving to ID or find 2 more siblings. These things never would ave occurred to me because I was a child and didn't exactly think everything through (and honestly, most of this could not have been predicted.
My college plans were nothing like I predicted either, having planned on going directly to grad school after completing my bachelor's degree. I never anticipated working for 2 years before being accepted into a program. And I certainly never dreamed that this program would be in North Dakota.
I thought then that relationships would come easily and that I knew my beliefs when the reality is much different. Relationships are hard and slightly impossible and my beliefs have changed drastically.
I am the same person and completely different than I was. And 10 years from now I will probably have a similar analysis with a similar conclusion.
And now, reviewing the last year:
Outcomes of my "resolutions":
(1) To not cut or dye my hair --> I did really well with this one (which is funny because it was the one I was sure would fail). It was actually the only resolution that I remembered making. My hair has gotten longer and I have enjoyed it being longer and being able to style it again (braids and plats are fun). I noticed great improvement in my stress management strategies that did not include just chopping my hair off when things got rough.
That being said, I did get my hair trimmed today to get rid of the year long frizzy split ends. However I am going to continue to let it grow and will not be dying it again at this time.
(2) To take opportunities as they come --> Still a work in progress but I think it went passably well. Last year I did manage to take life more in stride, opportunities and failings. I made a conscious effort to accept what came my way and move with it instead of against it. Definitely something to continue to improve though as I continue to make long and complex lists and plans for the future.
(3) To be more accepting of my faults --> I had a really rough few semesters and struggled with a lot of assignments and classes which really gave me the opportunity to practice this skill. I definitely made improvements. However, I do struggle a lot with accepting more superficial and perceived "faults" (body image, dress style, exercise) and so that was an interesting discovery that I was not aware of before.
(4) To make more of an effort to connect with others --> I finally know most of my classmates! I really went out of my way to connect with people this last year and have definitely made improvements in my socialization. At both work and school I became more adept at socializing and connecting with my peers and have noticed an increased feeling of support and community.
This last year was rough and filled with terrifying new experiences (fieldwork, group classes, meeting new family, etc.), stressful schoolwork and classes, and changing visions of the future. It was also amazing because I made it through all of that and am still going strong.
In this coming year, I have every intention to continue the growth that I have begun as I work to be the healthiest and happiest version of myself. As such, I will not be making any resolutions but I will make goals (basically the same thing but with less pressure attached) in order to achieve "optimum health". And there will only be 3 of them because then I might actually remember to do them.
Here they are:
(1) Spend at least 15 minutes of uninterrupted time outside at least three times a week --> This is more than just walking out to a your car and calling it good. This involves taking the time out of your day to walk outside and enjoy the sun (or snow or rain or whatever) and admire the natural (or artificially natural) world. Also might help boost my vitamin D...
(2) Be active, in any way, for at least 15 minutes at least twice a week. --> My goal is health and as such, starting slow is the goal. Often, exercise, for me anyhow, fails because I rush into everything too quickly and then burn out. By setting the goal low and slow I increase my activity without running the risk of burning myself out. (On that note, I might try yoga or some simple activities like that in order to increase overall balance and flexibility).
(3) Take time for myself for at least an hour once a week for a mental health break. --> This goal is concerned directly with maintaining a healthy balance in my life. By setting aside a time every week that is solely for me, I will be able to take a brain break from all the stress and worry of the semester and my responsibilities in order to center myself and re-focus.
Let's hope it goes well.
Happy New Year!
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Where is Wynonna?
This is my submission for the #WhereisWynonna challenge. I am not adept at making videos, and I really dislike recordings of my voice, so ...
Hello all, it is time for everyone's absolute favorite post, the introduction "history" of the blog. Well, I would absolutely...
Yesterday was bad. There is no denying that. I felt "off" all day, repetitive thoughts, doubts, inadequacy. Then it ended with a p...