Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Reality of paying off medical bills as a university student

The reality of life is that I do not make enough to cover my medical needs. Even if I worked full time at the job I have now (a whole 8 hours a week more than I do), I would not make enough. My current medical bills (not those that have gone to collections from when I was 18, unemployed, and didn't know how to cover them) are as follows:

Over $700 for place A
Around $350 for place B
About $225 for place C
$1000+ for place D

These are charges for 3 specialty tests, and several in office visits. The large charge is for almost 6 months of physical therapy.

I would like to point out that I do have insurance. I have also been current on my medical bills since I became fully employed three years ago.

Even without school costs (which I have now) and while working full time (which I am not now), I could barely keep on top of them.

This experience isn't mine alone. It is simply the reality of medical care today in America for the lower middle class. I accept that. Doesn't mean I like it.

As of right now, I am paying them off these charges with installments and on payment plans because right now I cannot afford to pay them off in a lump sum. Even if we simply take the rough estimates, I owe almost $1300. I only make around $1800 a month before taxes. Once we calculate out rent and utilities and insurances (including internet because, as a student it is a necessity), I have about $900 left (about half of all my income). If we figure the lowest cost for food as recommended, about $50 a week, that puts me at about $700. After gasoline for my car, at the max of $80 a month (I like to round up), I have about $620.

My current payments are as follows:

Place A: $50 (recently reduced from $75)
Place B: $55
Place C: New charge, no plan yet
Place D: $60

For a total of: $165

Leaving me with about $455

So I could make larger lump sum payments of a few of the charges to reduce them. Beginning with place C.

Of course, I do not get all of that money at once. So, once you cut in half, I have about $227.50 extra a paycheck. Just enough this week to pay off my outstanding medical bills with place C. Assuming I have enough after taxes. And do not spend more than $100 on food. More likely I will have about $175 left. I will pay $100 to place C and then pay it off on the next check. Assuming no unexpected expenses occur.

We will see where I stand on Friday but this is my current thoughts:
rent: $400
electric: $25
Cable: (with next check)
Gasoline: $30
Insurance (medical): $60
Insurance (car): (with next check)
Place B: $55
Food: $125*
Place A: (next check)
Place D: (next check)

Total: $695
Total [rough] income (before taxes): 896

Remainder: $201

And so my assessment of paying $100 to Place C is the closest I have to a plan.

Or just set up another payment plan.

*Yes, I could reduce how much I pay for groceries. However, as I am  including my pet-care and household cleaning products in this cost, I feel that it is reasonable. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year!

Another year, another day.

I honestly doubt nothing will change majorly this year, after all, things rarely ever do.

Now, hear me out. This isn't as dark and depressing as it sounds, or at least it doesn't reflect a dark and depressing place as its origin. Events will change. Attitudes will change. Power will change. But the world will still turn. People will still get up every morning (or night) and go about their days. The basics of human biology stay the same. None of that will change.

Last year, 2018, I had some major changes in my daily life, new opportunities, a future opened up to me. Despite this, I still had to get up every morning and work or study or learn. I didn't change, even if things did.

This year, 2019, my situation will not change as much, already being in school and all, but the subtle things might, if I let them. Or they might not.

Growth and change are inevitable. They happen. Personal growth and change, that is. This year, I want to foster that. As such, I have made resolutions. No, not the grand, "I'm going to change everything bout how I am living," kind of resolutions. More the "I will continue to exist in this crazy world" type.

Here they are:

1. I will not cut or dye my hair. --> This one is big because I often use haircuts and dye to change my image and appearance or how I feel about myself. This year I want to accept myself for who I am, raw and beautiful. I also want to see if I can get long hair again....

2. I will take opportunities as they come. --> This is not to say that I will not seek opportunities, but I will also not hide from them when they appear. The world happens for a reason. I need to let it.

3. I will be more accepting of my faults. --> If my obsession with tv shows has taught me anything, it is that no one, not even the superheroes can do everything, perfectly, all the time. I am working to accept that, some days, I will not be 100% on everything and on those days I need to accept wherever I am and remind myself that tomorrow is another day. (This of course does not apply to tests.)

4. I will make more of an effort to connect with others. --> I isolated myself last year and do not want to again and so this year I am going to make an effort to socialize more with my peers (at least at school). I don't go to parties or any of that but I want to put more effort in on a daily basis.

And there it is. My New Year's Resolution.

Let's see how I do (the hair one will probably fail).

Where is Wynonna?

  This is my submission for the #WhereisWynonna challenge. I am not adept at making videos, and I really dislike recordings of my voice, so ...