Sunday, February 24, 2019

Making it so far

It is what it is

I've been saying this to myself a lot lately in regards to school and grades and life. I'm not sure if it is because I have watched scenes from 2(+) tv shows where this was the attitude or if it is simply because that is the best/only way to continue on and not freeze up and get bogged down by everything. 

I am definitely feeling school more now than I did last semester. It's strange. Last semester I worked all the time and was SUPER stressed but school wasn't all that bad. This semester I work less (by 4 hours a week....) but school has now taken the forefront of my stress load.

Every day I simply move on to the next item. I check off the list and move on. I feel as if I am not really able to focus on anything, I am just moving along... somehow.

And every day I get up again and I keep going. In the end, that's what counts.

I'm making it so far. I have this down. One more assignment to complete tomorrow and many tests to keep track of... I can do this.

I am doing this.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Day by Day

Semester 2 is so much harder than semester 1. I am not sure if the material is really that much harder or if I am just having a harder time focusing. I need to get my head together.

The material is also probably getting harder.

Just have to keep reminding myself that I have this. I can do this. I will do well in this.

Well... so long as I can keep the muscles and nerves of the forearm and hand together... And remember the embryonic development of the brain and nervous system.... And get that cover letter written up...

It'll all work out.

Just gotta take it day by day.

Where is Wynonna?

  This is my submission for the #WhereisWynonna challenge. I am not adept at making videos, and I really dislike recordings of my voice, so ...