Saturday, August 18, 2018

A few ruminations

So I have no idea what I posted last. I could look, don't really feel like it. Instead I will just wing it today and write about some of the things that have been going on in the last week or so.

I was really concerned that I wouldn't eat enough living on my own and it was a valid concern given my history and my health. So far it hasn't been an issue (if anything I feel that I am eating too much). However, this fear did lead me to stocking up on a lot of food. So much food that, other than fruit, juice, and milk, I probably don't need to buy anything else for a good 3 weeks... or maybe a month...

I am hoping to cook more but so far have just made a grilled bagel sandwich and some brownies... in the week that I have lived here. Mostly been eating crackers with cheese, yogurt, hummus, corn chips (Tostitos), and fruit and the occasional (one) tv dinner. I also had leftovers one day. Although I do plan on making enchiladas tonight. Yay, progress.

I had this elaborate and great plan to exercise here. So far, nothing. Well, once. I want to but I feel crummy and my head is all stuffed up and my ears and my lungs are tight when I breathe... So basically haven't felt up to it, even though there is a vague desire for it. I have been stretching more often but that is about it.

Here is the plan for when I am more well:
-Stretch everyday (I should do this now) for 5 minutes
-Exercise on my little elliptical thing (once I get around to spending the $90 on it) 2 days a week for 10 minutes and 2 days a week for 30 minutes (obviously the weekend for those longer ones)
-T'ai Chi (also, could do this now) 3 days a week, completing the 24-forms (I can only do about 5 of them right now...)
-Body resistance exercises (sit-ups, planks, push ups, lunges, etc) 2 days a week for 10 minutes (one time on weekend one time during the week)

We will see if it ever gets done. Any of it...

So I am alright with money although I ma not ready to spend more for another year or more. I don't have much in checking (once you take out my medical payments and my insurance) but I have enough for emergencies (or more cold medicine). I am determined not to take more out of savings though until I need to buy my school books. Although I know that I will need to pay my cable and electric next month but by then I should have had another check or two come in. I have one more coming from St Luke's (my PTO payout) and from my new job at St Alexius. All should be fine, even with having an extra $600 charge on groceries and household items (the world is expensive!)

Here is where I admit to being grateful for my previous job (even more so) as it made me infinitely flexible in regards to patient care. Not to brag (much) but I feel that I can handle nearly any situation that arises in  a healthcare setting thanks to my previous adventures so this job isn't as impossibly stressful as I thought that it would be. It will take me time to get into a perfect rhythm and get all my timing right but I know that I will get there soon.

At this point I don't even think that I need the full 3 more days of orientation. I kinda feel ready (I say now...) just need to practice getting out of there on time and getting into bed before midnight so that I will be set when school starts up (hahaha).

Still working on those. I have some but I am too lazy to post them right now.

He is so bored! He stays up all night and has nothing to do and then sleeps all day so I hardly ever see him and when I do it is only to throw him off of me at 4 in the morning. I need to get him toys. After I figure out what he will actually play with...

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